Lisa Greensill smiling on a couch as chief Brandover brains

Lisa Greensill
Marketing Advisor + Messaging Specialist

I'm a curious extrovert and recovering perfectionist who loves learning and having a good time, always hatching a plan for the next adventure.

Home is Pottsville, a little pocket of paradise in Northern NSW, where I enjoy an action-packed lifestyle with my spirited tribe (aptly nicknamed 'Greenlight Greensills' by friends).

I value experiences over shiny things, can't handle clutter, and am in my happy place on the beach watching a sunrise, in the ocean, on a snowy mountain and at live music events.

Fascinated by words, I have a thing for quotes, lines, and lyrics; they have this magical power to make feelings bubble up inside you in a few simple words. My notes app is chock-full of all these little gems I've collected over time, always ready to share to spark thought-provoking conversations.

The Cliffs Notes version of my professional background is that I've got a Bachelor of Business, have worked in marketing roles in the financial planning industry for over two decades, did a stint working in a mortgage broking business, became a Certified StoryBrand Guide, and was named IFA Marketing Consultant of the Year and Women in Finance Marketing Professional of the year in 2022. You can find out the juicy details about my experience on LinkedIn.

A couple of other fun facts - I did all my subjects in French in high school and grew up surrounded by Sicilians (which explains why my hands move as quickly as I speak).