Delve into the depths of curiosity as we unveil the answers to your burning questions.
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Before building your brand, message, website and content, we need to understand who you love to help, what lights you up and what sets you apart from the thousands of other advisers and brokers.
The Brandspark workshop lets us dive into that genius head of yours to extract your standout ideas, points of view and personal philosophies. And the resulting Brandspark Blueprint forms the foundation for our creative direction moving forward.
Authenticity and relatability are at the heart of everything we do, qualities we uncover during the Brandspark experience.
After the Brandspark, there's no pressure to continue working with us. You are free to take the valuable findings and recommendations and run with them yourself.
Absolutely! We work remotely with clients all over Australia. Lisa wields her word magic from Pottsville in Northern NSW (30 minutes north of Byron Bay). Aynsley unleashes creative mastery from her office on the Gold Coast.
Absolutely. You can get all the pieces of your brand, website and content built by contractors on one of the many freelancer platforms.
Some critical questions to consider before venturing down the DIY freelancer path:
Do they have experience in the financial services industry?
Can one freelancer do everything you need them to do without you constantly giving them instructions and direction?
How much time are you going to spend managing all the projects?
Do you have to provide the copy (words) for the website and any collateral?
How much experience do they have as a website copywriter and graphic designer?
Do they think strategically with your business goals, 'why' and ideal clients at the heart of everything they do?
Who can you speak to if you have questions and new ideas down the track?
Or, you can eliminate all that guesswork and hassle and let the Brandover team do it all for you!
We love building our clients' websites on Squarespace for several reasons:
It's an ideal platform for small businesses because of its elegant simplicity in design and usability.
Squarespace ensures the security and reliability of your website by handling server maintenance, updates, and backups.
Unlike some other website platforms, you don't have to worry about updating plugins and doing theme updates.
Once your website is built, you can easily maintain the site yourself. We provide you with a training session at the end of your Brandover program to teach you how to upload your FSG, update content, and add blog posts.
Squarespace provides excellent customer support.
Get in touch.
If you have a query or can’t find a suitable time for a Zoom chat, please fill in the form and we’ll get back to you.