Apex Advice

Frustrated by seeing too many people leave it until they were on the verge of retirement to get advice, John Manserra established Apex Advice to help a younger group of Australians who want more out of life than being stuck in the grind until they’re in their 60s.

Armed with a 5-star reputation and a loyal client base, he wanted to move away from jargon-filled, corporate language to position Apex Advice as relatable and approachable experts.



Logo / Corporate Identity
Pitch Kit
Experience On A Page
Website Messaging
Website Design
Money Flow Playbook
Investment Playbook
Email Nurture Sequence

Website built by Simply Advice Websites

financial adviser marketing
finance industry branding

Converting eye-balls into clients

There is nothing stuffy or buttoned-up about this website. Carefully crafted to appeal to the target audience, imagery and copy speak directly to the problems and aspirations of busy professionals that don't want to leave it until it is too late to take control of their money. Apex Advice's website is refreshingly relatable, oozing authenticity with words and phrases used by the team with their clients, along with photos of John and Dannae and the Geelong area.

The team at Simply Advice Websites brought our messaging and design to life in a perfectly executed WordPress website that can evolve as Apex Advice's website needs grow. Google Reviews are integrated into the website along with a freebie download (Cashflow Playbook) which fires off an automated email nurture sequence each time a visitor subscribes.

Visit Apex Advice's website

financial advisor website design
financial marketing consultant

Setting expectations with the experience on a page

A big challenge that financial advisors face is that a lot of people don’t understand the immense value of advice. They don’t know what to expect.

Referencing the experience on a page in initial client meetings:

  • Sets expectations.

  • Reduces anxiety of the unknown.

  • Removes the mystery and confusion.

  • Shows all the steps involved to get from where they are today to where they want to get to.

financial marketing consultant

Clarity and focus with a pitch kit

The Brand Pitch Kit captures the magic of Apex Advice's message in a practical resource for creating marketing content moving forward. With their dream client profiles, values, one-liner, brand pitch, catchphrases and the key elements of their marketing message, Apex Advice has the foundation to create social media posts, blog articles and client experience collateral.

With an eye on future growth, Apex Advice can also use this guide to onboard team members and confidently communicate their expertise to referral partners. Armed with complete clarity around the clients they want to help, they can share their dream client profiles with other professionals and referral sources.

Before finding Lisa, we had a concept of the type of brand we wanted, but that is it, just a concept and a name. She really challenged us to deep dive into who are our ideal clients, not just surface level but really digging deep to understand their problems and pain points, dreams and aspirations all the way through to their communication channels.

Using her framework, she was really able to help us get clear on our messaging, who we help and our why. I also found her to truly take the time and listen, so she was able to use our language and style. This helped give our brand a real pulse and make our concept a reality.

We love our branding and website each and every time we look at it. It resonates with us and is super clear on who we help and why we help, with no fluff or jargon.

If you want someone to help you unlock and draw out that knowledge you have inside to get crystal clear on your message and to bring your brand to life, I couldn’t recommend Lisa more.

- John Manserra |
Apex Advice


Braeside Wealth


My Debt Adviser